Overwhelmed after the holidays?

I don’t know about you, but getting back into work is a struggle this year. 

After a glorious Christmas with family in Martinborough and a lot of lazy days in the sun, work has seemed very far away. We recently watched a 3 day cricket match and almost decided then and there to just keep the holidays going. We went via Rotorua and did our bit to support tourism and ventured on the Rotorua Canopy Tours – that’s me hanging off the rope!

But with school on the horizon, we suddenly have orders to fill, plans to make, goals to set, and amazing customers like you stocking up on all the Made4Baby goodness. 

I guess this is just a reminder (to myself as well as you) to take a moment for yourselves before the chaos really starts.

  • Hug your kids a little tighter.
  • Feel the sun on your skin a little bit longer. 
  • Walk a little slower instead of rushing to the next thing. 
  • Breathe a little bit deeper to calm your nervous system. 

You will always function best when you ask yourself what YOU need before trying to look after everyone else. 

The world will still keep turning without you for a moment, I promise ♥️

Looking forward to another amazing year with you in our community,

With love,

Rebecca McLeod
Founder | Made4Baby

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